No. Title Date
1 Address to the people of Great Britain, on the utility of refraining from the use of West India sugar and rum
2 Address to the people of Great Britain, on the utility of refraining from the use of West India sugar and rum
3 Branch Association for the Mauritius of the Ladies Society for Promoting the Early Education and Improvement of the Children of Negroes and of People of Colour in the British West Indies, formed January 7, 1836 : Address
4 British Possessions on the North West Coast of South America. XL. (with) two maps: Island of Trinidad from Government and other Surveys (and) British Guayana according to Sir Robert Schomburgk drawn by Augustus Petermann F.R.G.S. Engraved by G.H. Swanston
5 Case of the Infant School at the rectory, St. John's, Antigua
6 Commentary on the treaties entered into between His Britannic Majesty, and His Most Faithful Majesty, signed at London, the 28th of July, 1817; between His Britannic Majesty, and His Catholic Majesty, signed at Madrid, the 23rd of September, 1817; and between His Britanic Majesty, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, signed at the Hague, the 4th of May, 1818, for the purpose of preventing their subjects from engaging in any illicit traffic in slaves
7 Day of jubilee is come! : 1st August, 1834
8 Extract of a despatch from Governor Hamilton to the right honorable Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, Bart., M. P. — dated 3d July 1853. Antigua, No. 75
9 Immediate, not gradual abolition, of West Indian slavery, … with an appendix containing Clarkson's comparison between the state of the British peasantry and that of the slaves in the colonies, &c. - to confute the opinion that the latter are happier in thier bondage than the former in their freedom
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11 Printed letter from John Beecham, Wesleyan Mission House, conserning missions in the West Indies and the abolition of slavery, circa 1833
12 Reasons for abstaining from West-India rum and sugar, suited to the understandings of the common people
13 Report from a committee of the honourable House of Assembly, appointed to inquire into the proceedings of the Imperial Parliament of Great-Britain & Ireland relative to the slave-trade, &c.
14 Short sketch of the evidence, for the abolition of the slave trade, delivered before a committee of the House of Commons. To which is added, a Recommendation of the subject to the serious attention of people in general
15 Speech of James Stephen, Esq. at the annual meeting of the African Institution, at Free-Mason's Hall, on the 26th March, 1817
16 Thoughts of the necessity of improving the condition of the slaves in the British colonies, with view to their ultimate emancipation; and on the practicability, the safety, and the advantages of the later measure