No. Title Date
1 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
2 Boxer Rebellion banner
3 Card of the Chinese proverb of the Province of Shantung, May 1876
4 Chitochezie forest fire, 20th April 1913 -- this section of the forest was set on fire by Hung Hutzes (Honghuzi) as retaliation for non-payment of blackmail
5 Crane and chicks in a nest on a pine tree
6 Cricket, 1934 : parents school
7 Ikushima Kashiwagi in the role of a young samurai, wearing Kamishimo and long hakama
8 Inter-school relay, 1937
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Photograph, 'Cangue'd Prisoners'
11 Photograph, 'Female Prisoners in the Cangue'
12 Preliminary catalogue of the Japanese prints and other illustrations in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies
13 Preliminary list of Chinese woodblock prints in the SOAS Library
14 Seirō yūkun awase kagami
15 Storehouse for treasure at Nikko
16 Three geisha carrying momiji branches, with yellow ground
17 War messages and other selections
18 Wenchow, China. 1900
19 Yomei Mon (Great Gate) at Nikko
20 乃木大将