No. Title Date
1 洋國進寶春牛圖
2 Supplementary treaty between Her Majesty and the Emperor of China, signed at Hoomun-Chae, October 8, 1843, with other documents relating thereto
3 Treaty between Her Majesty and the Emperor of China, signed, in the English and Chinese languages, at Nanking, August 29, 1842, with other documents relating thereto
4 Correspondence relative to the operations in the Canton river, April 1847
5 China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 30 May 1853; for, return "of property captured or detained by the combined forces in China, from the 25th day of August 1841, showing the actual amount of money in British sterling received, and in what manner disposed of; with the amount paid as batta, or on any other account, to the naval and military forces employed during the service"
6 Treaty of commerce and navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan, signed at London, April 3, 1911 : ratifications exchanged at Tokio, May 5, 1911 : together with exchange of notes terminating the agreement of December 4/5, 1878, respecting expenses incurred for shipwrecked subjects : London, April 3, 1911
7 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan, signed at London, July 13, 1911
8 Exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and Japan, prolonging for a period of two years Article 5 of the Anglo-Japanese commercial treaty of July 16, 1894, as regards the Dominion of Canada : July 7, 1911
9 中華民國光復蒙古水陸交戰圖
10 China