No. Title Date
1 Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens
2 Historia delas cosas mas notables, ritos y costvmbres del gran reyno dela China : sabidas assi por los libros delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que a estado en el dicho reyno
3 Alexandri Magni Macedonia Expeditio by Abraham Ortelius accompanied by a text with same title on the reverse (MCA/01/02/01/13)
4 Persaru[m] sive Parthorum Imperium in Duo de Viginti Regna [Persia or the Parthian Empire in twenty two realms] by Nicolas Sanson and Ch Galliar engraved by Jean l'Huillier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/01/23)
5 Plan exact de Gomron ou du Bandar Abassi de L'Isle d'Ormus et des Isles voisines [An exact plan of Gomron or Bandar Abbasi, the Island of Hormuz and neighbouring islands] by Jean Baptiste Tavernier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/04/05)
6 Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon, in the East-Indies: Together with an Account of the Detaining in Captivity the Author and divers other Englishmen now Living there, and of the Author’s Miraculous Escape : exemplars
7 Compendio de la arte de la lengua tagala
8 Theatrum Historicum ad annum Christi quadringentesimu in quo tu Imperii Romani tu Barbororum circuminlentium status ob oculos ponitor Pars Orientalis by Guillelmo [Guillaume] Delisle engraved by F Des Rosiers and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/01/11)
9 Discovery and conquest of the Molucco and Philippine islands : containing their history ancient and modern, natural and political, their description, product, religion ... habits, shape, and inclinations of the natives : with an account of many other adjacent islands ...
10 تشريح منصوري‏
11 La Ville de Derbendt en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre vander Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/03/01)
12 La Ville de Scamachie en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre vander Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/03/02)
13 Nouvelle carte de la province de Kilan [Gilan] en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre Van der Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/02/02/05)
14 Imperii Persici delineatio ex scriptis Potissimum Geographicis Arabum et Persarum Tentata ab Petrum Schenk Amsterdami [The Persian Empire drawn...]published in Amsterdam by Petrus Schenk II based on his father's 1705 map (MCA/01/01/03/17)
15 Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle) and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)
16 Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle) and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)
17 Carte de Perse dresse pour l'usage du Roy [Map of Persia drawn up for the use of the King] by Guillaume Delisle engraved by J Stemmers and P Starkman and published in Paris (MCA/01/01/04/08)
18 Provinciarum Persicarum Kilaniae [The Persian province of Gilan] Chirvaniae Dagestaniae aliarumque vicinarum regionorum partium Nova Geographica Tabula by Johan Baptist Homann published in Nuremberg (MCA/01/02/02/06)
19 Manju-Nikan hergeni Ching-wen ki-meng bithe
20 Manju-Nikan hergeni Ching-wen ki-meng bithe