No. Title Date
1 Pagoda at Ramisseram
2 Photograph, 'Pagoda of Foochow lacquer, 14ft high. Sent to Paris Exhibition 1889 by Fumer(?) & Co.'
3 Report on the antiquities of Arakan
4 Report on the antiquities of Arakan
5 Pagoda roof of a temple
6 Newari temple pagoda
7 Historic sites and monuments of Mandalay and environs
8 Pagodas of Pagan
9 Pagodas of Pagan
10 Porcelain Tower, Nanking
11 5 storey pagoda
12 Pagoda, Shanghai
13 Photograph, 'Native Village / Fukien […] / S.China'
14 Photograph, 'City of Foochow. Gate & Wall' [Fuzhou, China]
15 Photograph, 'Pagoda at Hiwanchi'
16 Photograph captioned 'White Pagoda near Kiungchow'