No. Title Date
1 Buddhistische triglotte, d.h., Sanskrit-Tibetisch-Mongolisches Wörterverzeichniss
2 China : Convention between the United Kingdom and China repecting Tibet : Signed at Peking, April 27, 1906
3 China : Regulations respecting trade in Tibet (amending those of december 5, 1893) concluded between the United Kingdom, China, and Tibet : Signed at Calcutta, April 20, 1908. Ratifications exchanged at Peking, October 14, 1908
4 Bilingual index of Nyāya-bindu
5 Abhisamayālaṅkāra-prajnaparamita-upadesa-sastra : the work of Bodhisattva Maitreya
6 Slob-dpon Padmas mdzad paʼi Tha mi khaʼi ñes dmigs bźugs so
7 Visit of the Dalai Lama to SOAS