No. Title Date
1 The rise of Welsh in Wales : the unexpected revival of a language on the road to extinction
2 Archived XML files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Book pages and words
3 William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney (MS 41645 facsimile) : a facsimile version of the notebooks from 1790-1791 on the Sydney language written by William Dawes and others
4 Audio files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Dharug, with English voiceover
5 Audio files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Spoken Dharug
6 Archived XML files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Book pages and notes
7 Audio files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Spoken Dharug (Garibari version), with English voiceover
8 Audio files to accompany William Dawes' notebooks on the Aboriginal language of Sydney : Spoken Dharug (Garibari version)