No. Title Date
1 Act for constituting a corporation, for better ordering and managing the police of the town and parish of Kingston, and for other purposes relative to the parish of Kingston, with proper and adequate powers; as confirmed by his Majesty in Council, the 28th June 1802
2 Letter from Charles Brainsford, 27 May 1836, Jamaica
3 Letter from John Wooldridge, 24 September 1836, Jamaica
4 Letter from John Vine, 24 May 1836, Jamaica
5 Letter from John Vine, 18 July 1837, Rio Bueno P.O. Jamaica, Trelawney
6 Letter from dated 26 September 1838, Jamaica
7 Letters to Joseph Sturge in answer to his statements relating to the Arcadia Estate in jamaica in the journal of his visit to the West Indies by William Alers Hankey (London, 1838)
8 Act to legalize, register, and confirm marriages by dissenters and other ministers not connected with the established church : passed the legislature, April 11, 1840
9 Passengers acts of the Imperial Parliament, including such acts of this island of Jamaica, relating to immigration — emigration, and aliens, as are in force in the year 1852
10 Extract of a despatch from Governor Hamilton to the right honorable Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, Bart., M. P. — dated 3d July 1853. Antigua, No. 75
11 Government regulations with regard to grants in aid of elementary schools, promulgated July, 1867. and Circular of the Inspector of Schools relating thereto : Jamaica
12 Report by William Harty, Prospect Penn, St Thomas in the East, Jamaica, 23 January 1867
13 Report by William Gardner, Kingston, Jamaica, 8 February 1867
14 Report by John Dalgleish, Chapelton, Jamaica, 15 February 1867
15 Report by William Alloway, Mandeville, [Ridgemount], Jamaica, 14 February 1867
16 Report by William Alloway, Mandeville, [Ridgemount], Jamaica, 7 January 1867
17 Report by Thomas Clark, Four Paths, Clarendon, Jamaica, 7 February 1867
18 Report by James Milne, First Hill, Stewart Town, Jamaica, 21 February 1867
19 Report by Alexander Lindo, Whitefield, Jamaica, 20 February 1867
20 Report by Alfred Joyce, Mount Zion, Chapelton, Jamaica, 7 February 1867