No. Title Date
1 Notebooks of William Dawes (Volume B: MS 41645b)
2 Notebooks of William Dawes (MS 41645a)
3 Letter from Hermanus Hillebertus Post, 05 April 1807, Demerara
4 Kur'an, don karantawa, an rubuta shi 1861
5 Kitab Marsiyati li Isa ibn Sheikh Fodio
6 Indenture, 1 August 1882, between Thomas Tierney Fergusson and Anna Fergusson, his wife, and Anna Marie Madeleine Fergusson, his daughter, regarding property in Chefoo
7 Unidentified item
8 Journal of John Williams, Raiatea (Society Islands), 1821-1822
9 [List of British entering the Philippines between 1842 and 1985]
10 Earliest records concerning the mid 40's
11 [Regarding resident permits 1848]
12 Britishers in Manila 19th century
13 Britishers in Manila 19th century
14 Class three for Amirul Muminina M. Bello Bin Sheikh Usman Bin Fodio R.A.
15 [Phrases in the Tahitian language, together with a map]
16 [Vocabulary and every-day phrases of the Tahitian language]
17 [Vocabulary of the Tahitian language]
18 Observationes de Otaheite, &ct.
19 Language of Otaheite
20 [Philippe : publicité pour les montres-bracelets]