No. Title Date
1 Papers relating to the annexation of eastern Santo Domingo to Spain
2 Germany : Report on the Gotha exhibtion of European manufactures used in China
3 Germany : Report on the exhibitions of European manufactures used in China
4 Bibliography of the Eskimo language
5 Opium : crude and prepared
6 Corea : Report of a visit to Fusan and Yuensan
7 Opium : historical note : or the poppy in China
8 Borneo : report for the year 1888 on the Territory of the British North Borneo Company
9 Bibliography of the Athapascan languages
10 China : Report on public works in the consular district of Hankow
11 China : Report on the effect of the fall in value of silver on prices of commodities in China
12 China : Summary of first decennial report of the Chinese imperial maritime customs
13 Corea : Report on the commercial condition of the ports of Fusan and Wonsan
14 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Amoy
15 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Canton
16 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Chefoo
17 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Pakhoi
18 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade and commerce of Shanghai
19 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Foochow
20 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade of Hankow