No. Title Date
1 Hausaland : or, Fifteen hundred miles through the central Soudan
2 Hausaland : or, Fifteen hundred miles through the central Soudan
3 Our Sudan : its pyramids and progress
4 Vocabulary of the Bangala language as spoken in the Lado District, Mongalla Province : (interleaved version)
5 Gang meteka
6 Katekismy pa locatere : Ki dog logang
7 Gang fables
8 Katekismu pa locatere : Ki dog logang
9 Syllabary for Acholi language
10 Kitabo me leg : Ki dog logan
11 Lapwony me Kiswahili
12 Lok mua i cik macon
13 Medob : Notes by Mr. D.C. Cumming, when ADC, NDD
14 Cik manyen pa rwotwa ki lalarwa yecu kricito
15 Gwok gangi pi gwoko kwo meri
16 Pwonye me lebwa
17 Pwonyo twonu dyangi ki tic
18 Letter Book of al-Nujūmī
19 Historical [sic] collected chiefly by Melik Gami' Kheir, Shaib Adam Tia, Abdullahi Hassan, Abukr Fadl el Sid, Salih Gelta and Moheh Sayah
20 Part of Adrur village, Jebel el Meidob