No. |
Title |
Date |
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Diploma [granted to C. O. Blagden, 8 May 1933] |
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First annual report of the committee of the Parapattan orphan asylum, for the board, clothing, & education, of orphan and other children, left destitute in this part of India together with the proceedings of the annual meeting held at the English chapel, Parapattan. On thursday evening, march 13th, 1834 |
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Hikajet deri dihoeloe kala : goena segala anak anak |
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Journal of Gottlob Bruckner, Batavia [Jakarta], 30 December 1813 - 13 June 1814 |
9 |
Journal of John Slater, Batavia, 24 December 1819 - 24 March 1820 |
10 |
Journal of John Supper, Batavia, 9 April - 31 May 1814 |
11 |
Journal of John Supper, Batavia [Jakarta], 30 December 1813 - 8 April 1814 |
12 |
Journal of Lukas Monton, Batavia [Jakarta], 19 July 1833 - 17 September 1833 |
13 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 1 October 1825 - 21 December 1825 |
14 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 1826 |
15 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 21 September 1825 - 28 September 1825 |
16 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 6 January - 31 May 1825 |
17 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 8 April - 28 August 1825 |
18 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 8 June 1825 - 20 September 1825 |
19 |
Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia [Jakarta], 12 July 1832 - 8 August 1832 |
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Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia [Jakarta], 14 November 1829 - 24 January 1830 |