No. Title Date
1 Հոգեգալուստ
2 Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens
3 Tower of Babel
4 City of Nineveh
5 تقويم الأبدان
6 By a concerted effort the pigeons manage to fly off while still in the net.
7 Hungry fox looks up to see the kite carrying off the piece of skin.
8 Historia delas cosas mas notables, ritos y costvmbres del gran reyno dela China : sabidas assi por los libros delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que a estado en el dicho reyno
9 Jawāhir al-lughah
10 Sucesos de las islas Filipinas
11 آداب السلطنة
12 The lawes or standing orders of the East India Company : reproduction
13 Lumpākamatakuṭṭana
14 گنج الگنج : نصر بن احمد
15 Hamziyya : (MS 53823 and MS 380931)
16 Description de la Tartarie tirée en partie de plusieurs cartes, que en ont esté faictes en partie de diuerses relations et de divers autheurs arabes qui nt esté au iour iusques a present par le S. Sanson d'Abbeville geographe ord're du Roy
17 Persaru[m] sive Parthorum Imperium in Duo de Viginti Regna [Persia or the Parthian Empire in twenty two realms] by Nicolas Sanson and Ch Galliar engraved by Jean l'Huillier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/01/23)
18 Han-i araha ambassi mujilen be targabure bithe
19 Plan exact de Gomron ou du Bandar Abassi de L'Isle d'Ormus et des Isles voisines [An exact plan of Gomron or Bandar Abbasi, the Island of Hormuz and neighbouring islands] by Jean Baptiste Tavernier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/04/05)
20 Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon, in the East-Indies: Together with an Account of the Detaining in Captivity the Author and divers other Englishmen now Living there, and of the Author’s Miraculous Escape : exemplars