No. Title Date
1 Notebooks of William Dawes (MS 41645 c & d) : short vocabularies of the language of Indigenous peoples of Van Diemen's Land, collected by the officers of the French frigates La Recherche and L'Espérance in 1793
2 Present state of the opium trade with China
3 Madagascar : view painted for my father, A. I. Petrie
4 فصول من الاناجيل
5 تواریخ شاهان پشین و ملوک متقدمین القاب سلاطین
6 تفسیر ابجد حروف اجرایی
7 On the days of the week on which the festival of Nawruz falls with six tables and one chart
8 رسالۀ تجویز امام علي
9 تواریخ فتح السلطان سلیم خان بمصر
10 بيطرنامه
11 شرح روزنامۀ اسامی
12 Ten folios of astronomical tables
13 جدول فال
14 اعلام العباد اعلام البلاد
15 تواریخ شاهان پشین و اولیاءكزين
16 Collection of seven short treatises on various subjects
17 اساميء مفتيان آل عثمان
18 Diagram showing the compass points of various places in the Ottoman Empire
19 رسالۀ قیافت نامه تفصیل
20 غره نامه