No. Title Date
121 Extracts of letters written to his father concerning Mr North, formerly American Board of Foreign Mission, joining the London Missionary Society
122 Farafangana, mission compound from the west looking towards the sea
123 Fifty years in China : Dr. Griffith John's jubilee. Crowning his life's work
124 First annual report of the committee of the Parapattan orphan asylum, for the board, clothing, & education, of orphan and other children, left destitute in this part of India together with the proceedings of the annual meeting held at the English chapel, Parapattan. On thursday evening, march 13th, 1834
125 For God & China : the life of Mrs Lavington Hart
126 From the annual report of the Presbyterian press at Shanghai for 1867
127 The gates of adventure : the story of a Chinese schoolgirl
128 Historia delas cosas mas notables, ritos y costvmbres del gran reyno dela China : sabidas assi por los libros delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que a estado en el dicho reyno
129 History of Georgetown
130 History of the Melanesian Mission
131 History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
132 History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
133 Indian Christians of St. Thomas, otherwise called the Syrian Christians of Malabar : a sketch of their history and an account of their present condition, as well as a discussion of the legend of St. Thomas
134 Indian missionary directory and memorial volume
135 Skip Navigation Links.
136 The International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Trade and the Opium Habit in the Far East, to be held in Shanghai February 1909 : a warning and an appeal
137 Inventory of effects at chapel on Blankenburg. West coast handed over to Ketley in April
138 Issue of Chinese and foreign weekly record, No. 13, annotated in English.
139 Jalar mi Judubo
140 Jalar mi ng'om yu