No. Title Date
61 Bloomsbury Building, Library: Brian Scott behind the issue desk
62 Bloomsbury Building, Library: catalogues and stacks
63 Bloomsbury Building, Library: staff at the old issue desk
64 Bloomsbury Building, Senior Common Room
65 Bloomsbury Building, Senior Common Room
66 Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: issue desk 'books borrowed'
67 Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: issue desk 'books returned'
68 Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: readers and catalogues
69 Skip Navigation Links.
70 Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: stacks
71 Bloomsbury Building: lecture halls prepared for examinations
72 Bloomsbury Building: lobby
73 Bloomsbury Building: various views and ground plans as published in 'The Builder'
74 Bloomsbury Building: view from outside the front gates.
75 Bloomsbury Building: with a horse drawn vehicle in front
76 Skip Navigation Links.
77 Book signing: with Barry Bloomfield and J. D. Pearson, former Librarians
78 The Boy who cried tiger and two other stories told in the Sylheti language : as told by Faruk Miah and Farhana Ferdous, illustrated by Freya Hartas
79 Branch Association for the Mauritius of the Ladies Society for Promoting the Early Education and Improvement of the Children of Negroes and of People of Colour in the British West Indies, formed January 7, 1836 : Address
80 A brief statement of the lascar & Chinese committee, appointed by the directors of the Missionary Society July 13th 1812