No. Title Date
21 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
22 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
23 Colloquial Malay : a simple grammar with conversations
24 Concerning the Anglo-Chinese College, criticisms of its past arrangements and plans for its future in China. Concerning Mr Werth and his qualifications as a missionary
25 Contributions on support of the Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca
26 Copies of correspondence between Dr Milne and the local government at Penang relating to the education of indigenous young people.
27 Copies of correspondence between Sir Ralph Rice and Mr Beighton and Mr Ince on the question of marriage laws
28 Copies of the inscriptions on royal seals from Perak belonging to Raja Muda Musa bin Sultan Jafar (2 seals, one dated AH 1316/AD 1898-9) and to Raja di Hilir Abdul Jalil bin Sultan Idris (4 seals)
29 Copy correspondence with W. S. Cracroft for 15-17 September 1825
30 Copy of deed of the house in bazaar belonging to London Missionary Society.
31 Copy of document respecting the building of the mission chapel in 1824, and letter of the same date on the subject with original subscription list. Letter from the representative of the Presbyterian Church to the London Missionary Society board requesting the free use of the chapel.
32 Copy of grant of land for the use of the mission at Penang
33 Copy of hymns sung at the opening of mission chapel
34 Copy of 'Prince of Wales island gazette' with references to opening of new chapel
35 Correspondence about land between Thomas Beighton and Penang government
36 Correspondence with Government officials respecting gift of land to the Mission and congratulations on opening of mission chapel
37 Dajacksch-deutsches Wörterbuch : bearbeitet und herausgegeben im Auftrage und auf Kosten der Niederländischen Bibelgesellschaft
38 A descriptive dictionary of british Malaya
39 Devotions in Arabic with Malay instructions
40 Diagram with notes in Javanese