No. |
Title |
Date |
101 |
Etats de Grand-Siegneur en Asie, Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et Egypte [Countries of the Ottoman Emperor in Asia, the Persian Empire and the country of the Uzbeks, Arabia and Egypt] by mapmaker Didier Robert de Vaugondy and published in Paris (MCA/01/01/04/10) |
102 |
Geographia antiqua : Being a complete sett of maps, of antient geography, beautifully engraved from cellarius. On thirty-three copper-plates. Designed for the use of schools, and of gentlemen who make the antient writers their delight or study |
103 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
104 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
105 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
106 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
107 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
108 |
Han i araha ubaliyambuha duin bithe |
109 |
دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الانوار في ذكر الصلوة على النبي المختار |
110 |
دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الانوار في ذكر الصلوة على النبي المختار |
111 |
دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الانوار في ذكر الصلوة على النبي المختار |
112 |
Relacion de todo lo acaecido al galeon La Santíssima Trinidad, en este año de 1762, en que salio de este puerto de Cavite para el de Acapulco, con permisso de el vecindario, y por el real situ ado de est as islas philipin as: hasta que volvio a el de arribada, a loas ciento, y qu atro di as de navigacion; Hecha por un sugeto de los que iban empleados en dicho navio |
113 |
Sinus Persicus maximum partem ad observationes proprias [The Persian Gulf mainly from personal observation] A[nno] MDCCLXV insitutas delineatus a C Niebuhr and C J de Huyser published in Paris (MCA/01/02/04/04) |
114 |
Carte de l'Empire de Perse by mapmaker Rigobert Bonne, engraved by Arrivet and published in Paris (MCA/01/01/04/13) |
115 |
Thoughts upon slavery |
116 |
Persia divided into its Great Provinces by Samuel Dunn, Mathematician, published in London by Robert Sayer (MCA/01/01/06/13) |
117 |
Golfe Persique dresse en 1758 et publie en [17]76 by Jean Baptiste D'Anville and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/04/03) |
118 |
Letter from Than Phya Phimon Aisawan, Siamese Governor of Thalang and Than Phya Surintharacha, Siamese Superintendent to Captain Francis Light : MS 380629 |
119 |
Thalang letters : number 3 |
120 |
Preface to a grammar of the Bengal language |