No. Title Date
10821 Ilu Obalufon
10822 Ilu Ogun : extended with voice over
10823 Ilu Osun : extended with voice over
10824 Ilu Oya
10825 Ilu Sango
10826 Ily Obedu
10827 Image of a hero and heroine
10828 Image of Durgā, decorations and worshippers at Faujdārvālī Kuñj
10829 Image of Durgā, decorations and worshippers at Faujdārvālī Kuñj
10830 Image of Durgā, decorations and worshippers at Faujdārvālī Kuñj
10831 Image of Kālī set up by the side of the path on the day of Yugal parikramā
10832 Image of Pūṃcharī kau lauṭhā
10833 Image of the Buddha in Sri Lanka
10834 Imam appelant à la prière
10835 Imam Ibrahim Qur’an
10836 Imbrohor [imrahor], ou grand ecuyer
10837 Imerimandroso hospital plaque : D.O. Jones and Mrs Jones
10838 'Imerimandroso, la station de la L.M.S. en 1923'
10839 'Imerimandroso, le cyclone du 3 Mars 1927. Le Collège L.M.S. (No. 8)'
10840 'Imerimandroso. Le cyclone du 3 Mars 1927. Le lendemain du catastrophe (No. 1)'