No. Title Date
5661 Supplement door H. J. Oosting op het door hem, op last van het Gouvernement van Ned.-Indie, zamengestelde Soendasch-Nederduitsch Woordenboek
5662 Handleiding voor het aanleeren van het soendaneesch letterschrift
5663 Aritmetik : puk en uatauat, Ponape, Maikronijia, 1881
5664 Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500-1750 N. CH
5665 Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500-1750 N. CH
5666 The handbook of Jamaica for ... comprising hitorical, statistical and general information concerning the island, compiled from official and other reliable records
5667 A practical key to the Canarese language
5668 [Undescribed letter]
5669 Memorandum of agreement
5670 Receipt for $700 from T. H. Haynes for the purhase of 4 pearls
5671 Diary in India
5672 Hikayat Hang Tuah [Story of Hang Tuah]
5673 Report by Thomas Clark, Whitefield, Jamaica, 22 March 1882
5674 Report by Thomas Clark, Whitefield, Jamaica, 23 February 1882
5675 Report by Thomas Pearce, Canton [Guangzhou], 17 February 1882
5676 Report by Ernst Eichler, Canton [Guangzhou], 17 February 1882
5677 Report by John Edge, Hong Kong, 11 February 1882
5678 China : her claims and call
5679 Vinaya texts : part 2, the Mahavagga 5-10, the Kullavagga 1-3
5680 Pahlavi texts : part 2, the Dadistan-i dinik and the Epistles of Manuskihar