No. Title Date
5341 Come and hear Mr. Sol Plaatje of Kimberley, South Africa …
5342 Come together : May the tensions and political tearing apart of contrary imaginations of state-building be levelled with this earthquake
5343 Comic actors
5344 Comic actors
5345 Comic actors
5346 Commelyna madagascarica, Clarke : Nifinakanga
5347 Commemoration under tent in sandy area
5348 Commemorative portrait of the actor Sawamura Sōjūro III on his death
5349 Comment on an interview by General Abbas Gharabaghi concerning the armed forces and the 1979 revolution. First draft.
5350 Comment on an interview by General Abbas Gharabaghi concerning the armed forces and the 1979 revolution. Second draft.
5351 Commentary in Arabic on surah 23 of the Koran, surat al-mu'minun
5352 Commentary on the treaties entered into between His Britannic Majesty, and His Most Faithful Majesty, signed at London, the 28th of July, 1817; between His Britannic Majesty, and His Catholic Majesty, signed at Madrid, the 23rd of September, 1817; and between His Britanic Majesty, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, signed at the Hague, the 4th of May, 1818, for the purpose of preventing their subjects from engaging in any illicit traffic in slaves
5353 Commerce et Prédation : l'état Bambara de Ségou et ses communautés marka
5354 Commissioner Mill's bungalow (Image number M.006, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
5355 Common porter
5356 Communal singing at the jubilee of the physical disappearance of the Goswami Gopal Bhatt
5357 Communicants weeding a rice field
5358 Communication sur : L'histoire d'une ethnie, son organisation sociale, sa philosophie et sa littérature
5359 Communication with disaster affected
5360 Community and resilience among Sherpas in the post-earthquake Everest region