No. Title Date
3901 Letter to the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, General Secretaries [London] from Thomas Dove, Western Africa, July 20th 1840
3902 Letter from David Jehu, Free Town, Sierra Leone, West Africa, May 4th 1840, with responses from Thomas Dove [undated]
3903 [14 questions] to be sent to William Beecham, at No. 11, Lloyd Street, Lloyd Square, Pentonville, London.
3904 'The Six Malagasy Christians (now in England) waiting at Tamatave to embark for Mauritius'
3905 Dictionary, English and Burmese
3906 Statements respecting hospitals in China
3907 Thomas Henry Clark (1819-1905)
3908 Frederick Walter Wheeler (1819-1852)
3909 Regni Persici satrapiae inferiores, Graecia, coloniae Graecorum Xenophontis et Alexandri M[agnus] tempore [The Kingdom of Persia with subject regions, Greece and the Greek colonies ruled by Xenophontis and Alexander the Great] published by Justus Perthes, Gotha, Germany (MCA/01/03/05)
3910 Ke kumu kanawai, a me na kanawai o ko Hawaii pae aina, ua kauia i ke kau ia Kamehameha III
3911 Massacre of Rev. John Williams.
3912 Reception of Reverend John Williams.
3913 Letter from Thomas Henderson, 9 November 1841, Lusignan
3914 Letter from Charles Davidson Watt and Charles Rattray, 21 August 1841, Canal No. 1.
3915 Letter from Thomas Henderson, 26 April 1841, Lusignan
3916 Letter from Charles Rattray, 22 August 1841, Canal No. 1.
3917 Letter from Charles Rattray, 1 December 1841, Canal No. 1.
3918 Letter from Charles Davidson Watt, 17 August 1841, Demerara
3919 Letter from Charles Rattray, 17 July 1841, Canal No. 1.
3920 Letter from James Scott, 14 July 1841, West Coast