Dharahara information board (Nepali version)

Material Information

Dharahara information board (Nepali version)
Hutt, Michael (Michael J.) ( Photographer )
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
© 2015 Michael Hutt


General Note:
The Dharahara was an iconic landmark in Kathmandu, visible from a distance before taller buildings were built in the valley. This information board had been put up by a private company highlighting its history and details. Besides the text, this photo has two earlier photographs of the Dharahara: the one on the left before it was destroyed in the 1934 earthquake and the one on the right after it was rebuilt before being destroyed in the 2015 earthquake.
General Note:
Funded by GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund) through AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council), Grant number AH/P003648/1, as "After the Earth's Violent Sway: the tangible and intangible legacies of a natural disaster", Dr. Michael Hutt, Principal Investigator.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MH photo 11 ( SWAY )