Nepal earthquake

Material Information

Nepal earthquake Trekkers escape house as quake hits
Series Title:
BBC News Urdu
Alternate Title:
Trekkers escape house as quake hits
BBC News
Publication Date:


An American trekker who was in the Nepalese village of Kyanjin Gompa when the 7.8-magnitude earthquake stuck, recorded the moment people ran from buildings as they shook. Kyanjin Gompa is in the Langtang National Park and is on the Great Himalaya Trail. It is several hours walk from the village of Langtang, which was completely wiped out by a landslide following the quake. ( en )
General Note:
Dated 5 May 2015

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
Copyright 2015 British Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.