Aid and Recovery in Post-Earthquake Nepal

Material Information

Aid and Recovery in Post-Earthquake Nepal Independent impacts and recovery monitoring phase 4, quantitative survey, April 2017
The Asia Foundation ( Author, Primary )
UK aid ( contributor )
Swiss Development Cooperation ( contributor )
Interdisciplinary Analysts ( contributor )
Place of Publication:
San Francisco, CA
The Asia Foundation
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
© 2017, The Asia Foundation


General Note:
Funded by GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund) through AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council), Grant number AH/P003648/1, as "After the Earth's Violent Sway: the tangible and intangible legacies of a natural disaster", Dr. Michael Hutt, Principal Investigator.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.