Your search within this document for 'china' resulted in four matching pages.
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“...and China immediately swung into action and sent large teams to help out Nepali authorities. But the presence of both has invited rival narratives and prompted India's press to offer a chest-thumping approach. Some of the headlines read: 'Nepal earthquake: India scores on aid diplomacy, China lags,' said the Times of India; 'India's rescue teams at home in Nepal while Chinese struggle with language' wrote the Hindustan Times; and of course, social media was abuzz with patriots insisting that India was doing a better job than others in rescue and relief efforts. Confounding each other The reality, however, is slightly different. India and China's large teams have been bumping into each other in Nepal, and neither side has had an easy time helping, as is to be expected after a disaster of this magnitude. Nepal's government has struggled in the wake of the country's worst earthquake in nearly a century, with its officials largely absent from public view. Not so with India and China. Both...”
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“...inside Nepal is of major importance, mainly for its immediate neighbours. China and India's paramount concern in Nepal is related to security and stability. Any disturbances in Nepal would have spillover impacts on both countries. Similarly, both countries are competing regional powers in Asia and their interest regarding Nepal is to extend their own sphere of influence and contain the other's. Apart from their economic and trade interests, another common interest for both these countries is to contain superpower influences in the region. Working trilaterally In order to manage the increasing strategic and security interests of India and China, Nepali policymakers need to devise pragmatic foreign policy mechanisms. For, trilateral strategic cooperation is something policymakers need to explore as a real option to manage shared strategic Indian and Chinese interests in Nepal. For Nepal, managing the India-China geostrategic rivalry is essential for Nepal's own peace, stability, and development...”
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“... 2017- for- deliberative- polls.html) full story » (/news/20i7-07-28/case-for- deliberative-polls.html) TRENDING 13 years on, nat'l pride project still incomplete (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017-08-01/13-years-0n-natl-pride-pr0ject-still- incomplete.html) full story » (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017-08-01/13-years-0n-natl-pride-pr0ject-still-inc0mplete.html) Nepal, China trade set to normalise soon (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017-08- 01/nepal-china-trade-set-to-normalise-soon.html) (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017-08-01/nepal-china-trade-set-t0-n0rmalise-s00n.html) cn Top Indian and Chinese officials arriving ( full story » ( Kavre grappling with rising cases of suicide (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017- o8-oi/kavre-grappling-with-rising-cases-of-suicide.html) full story » (http://kathmandup0st.ekantipur.c0m/news/2017-08-01/kavre-grappling-with-rising-cases-0f-suicide...”
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“...August 4 ( 017-08-01/re-dection-in-bharatp11r-metropolis-19-on-augLKt-4.html) Aug 01, 2017- fullstory » [^-on-august-^.html} Nepal's poliChina: DPM Mahara (http: // news/ 2017- oS- oi/nepals-poUcy-is-to-maintain-close-ties-with-india-china-dpm- W MIH \ mahaia.html) (http:/ /kathmandupost 2017-08-01/ nepals-poHcy-is-to-maintaon-dose-tie^ ^ full story » [} Agreement reached to rebuild Dharahara in a 'mixed style' (http:/ / 2017-08-01/a^eement-reached- to-rebuild-dhaiahaia-in-a-mixed-style html) (http://kathmandupost 2017-0S-01/agmement-reached-to-rebuild-dharahara-in-a-mixed-stjdehtml) OL'2017...”