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“...say a few words on each of these heads, after which some general remarks shall conclude this paper. DIMENSIONS OF THE HOUSE. As most of the subscribers, and friends of this Institution, live at a distance, and are not likely to have an opportunity of personally inspecting the Building on which their money has been expended, a more minute description becomes necessary. The College, therefore, is situated just without the western gate of the town of Malacca, on the premises of the Ultra-ganges Mission, facing the sea; but is, at present, partly hidden by an old House that stands in front. . It is a square edifice, including lower and upper stories, garrets and ve- randahs. The length of the body of the House, (walls inclusive,) is 90 feet, and its breadth 34. The height of the side walls from the level of the ground, is 35 feet; the foundations are about 5 feet deep, that being from the nature of the bottom, deemed sufficient. A spa- cious verandah goes all round, which is 16 j feet broad...”

“...are both Chinese; young mpn,;and receive no aid from the funds. Of the five regular students, one is a Christian Missionary, supported by The (London) Missionary Society; one, a young man, aged' 17. years, born in . Malacca, but who spent some time at school; in England; the other three are Chinese, one of'whom was born in Canton, (and who is a believer in Jesus); the other two .lads, 16 years of age, were born in Malacca. There is besides,-a Chinese boy of n years of” age, now in one of the Mission schools, intended for the College, after going through the elementary books. To what particular objects the students may devote their Chinese acquirements, it would .be premature to say. The object of one of them (viz. of the Missionary,) ;is of-course definite;.and it will be satisfactory to some of the subscribers to- k’now that .of the other four, two have expressed a desire to become useful in propagating the Gospel}-but time alone can shewcthe result of these desires. The Chinese...”