- Permanent Link:
- http://digital.soas.ac.uk/PPMS670028/00001
- General Note:
- Letter 28 of PP MS 67, Sir Robert Hart, Box 2, File 1. Dated: 1880 August 27 (received 1880 September 19)
- General Note:
- From the personal papers collection of Sir Robert Hart, comprised of private letters from Sir Robert Hart to his personal representative in England, James Duncan Campbell. This letter is from Series Z.
- General Note:
- Sir Robert Hart (1835-1911) was Inspector General of the Imperial Maritime Customs (later Chinese Maritime Customs) from 1863.
- General Note:
- James Duncan Campbell was born in Edinburgh in 1833. Educated at Cheltenham College and the universities of Paris and Heidelberg, he worked for the Post Office and the Treasury before 1862. In that year he joined the Chinese Maritime Customs and became non-resident secretary in London in 1874. He was sent to Paris in 1884 by Robert Hart to negotiate on behalf of the Quing government a cease-fire agreement in the Sino-French War. He married Ellen Mary Lewis in 1870. He died on 3 December 1907. -- At the time of this letter, James Duncan Campell (金登幹), British by nationality, was serving as a Non-Resident Secretary, Inspector General, to the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Service and was based the Service's London office. (see: Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. Service List. 1881.)
- General Note:
- VIAF (name authority) : Campbell, J. D. (James Donald), 1884- : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/104048838
- General Note:
- VIAF (name authority) : Hart, Robert, 1835-1911 : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/64802355
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- SOAS University of London
- Holding Location:
- Special Collections
- Rights Management:
This item, under copyright legislation of the United Kingdom, is protected by copyright until 2039. Its use is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
- Resource Identifier:
- PP MS 67, Sir Robert Hart, Box 2, File 1 ( Order with reference )
PP MS 67/02/01/28 ( CALM reference )