PARTITION - additional recordings I Andrew Whitehead I ____________________________I CD-28 Baramulla convent 2 direct continuation from Baramulla convent 1 Track 1 Sister Rosy (? Right spelling) - Mother Superior at convent, Keralite, there c 13 years - bespectacled, soft-spoken, shrewd and good humoured, softly spoken: thunder storm brewing during interview I am Sister Rosy Joseph. At the moment I am in charge of the whole hospital and the convent ... St Joseph hospital, and ofn course the hospital is adjoined with the convent The hospital is mainly catering for the needs of the women and children of the locality. We have a number of sisters, many of the sisters are elderly, who have worked for St Joseph’s mission. Now they are retired, and we take care of them in the convent. Most of the sisters residing in the convent work in the hospital as nurses or other aides RE EVENTS OF 1947 ... TRAGEDY AND INSPIRATION (1’30) Yes, the elderly sisters they tell us what really take place. Some of them have personally experiencde the event. It is a tragedy, at the same time siomething it is a heroic act on the part of our sisters. So we have cherished these moments - son it is npainful, mbut we know we have contributed seomething to the welfare and well being of the people in the locality. HEROIC IN WHAT SENSE? Because our sisters, although there was a chance for them to move out, sort of submit to the needs and demands of the attackers, instead we stood to our principles. As a result, we lost one of our precious sister, in that way we insist it is a heroic event which has taken place. SISTER TERSALINA ... LIKE HER TO BE HONOURED BY THE CHURCH? Personally, all of us wish but since we are only a unit of... the congregation, we lave the decision of the authorities.... We wd like to see her honoured in this place, because she has shed her blood for the people of Kashmir. And I believe and I was told that her last words were that she offered herself for the people of Kashmir and their conversion. YOU WD LIKE TO SEE HER BEATIFIED? Yes, we wd like to see her, and we know there are quite a few people in this locality who wish to see her glorified. RE CONVERSION (3’30) Conversion does not mean conversion to religion, she did not mean that.... what she meant was convention of mind and heart, not of the religion, definitely she did not mean that. LAST 14 YEARS ... 1947 was not the same type as we faced today... (elaborates)... we are still v muchy respected by the local people, because our existence here is over 80 years now... we don’t face much problems from any party 1