Title PARTITION: Tape 70 Writer 255MODEM Mod Date & Time 255MODEM May 01 07:02 TAPE 70 Side A Bacruddin UMAR - a Marxist-Leninist intellectual leading a small grcuplet in B'desh; the son of Abul Hashim, the populist and leftists general sect of Muslim League in Bengal province in 47; an uncle of Nazes; came to Dhaka in 1950; aged 14 in 1946, and present with father at Direct Action day rally; living in Burdwan at time, but had house in Calcutta's Rippon St; - int'd at flat in Dhaka - 22 April 1997 337 - [Dir Act day rally] 'we went to the Maidan by car, but then the car cd not move further cos of the crowd ... I nevr saw such a huge crowd, never in my life' 353 - 'before the mtg started there was a gt lot of agitation and people were shouting all around that riots had broken out in Raja Bazaar, in this area, and that area, and ms are being slaughtered, and you're not doing anything, they were shouting at the leaders, and others were trying to elm them' 363 - 'Nazamuddin, he made quite a communal speech, he sd we have to fight against the Hs, etc; but then on the rostrum also, there was opposition against what he was saying, so S'dy took over the mike and sd that our struggle is against the british and not against the Hs, and pointing to Fort Wm he sd, we have to fight against that and not against the Hs' 371 - 'my father also spoke, and he also sd things like that, but the sitn was such that the mtg cd not be continued for long, and people were going up the ladder with guns and all that, they sd we have seized these guns from that area, we have seized this guns from that area, and people are being killed by guns and knives, so some of them started to shout that you stop this mtg and go to yr offices and get the govt to do something about these people who are killing Ms' UNTIL HERE, VERY LOW LEVEL COS MIKE NOT PROPERLY IN 380 - 'the atmos was v charged.; there were people, but there no was not very large, shouting that ... v loud shouts were coming from some of the corwds that action must be taken immediately' 385 - 'the marchers [to the Maidan] were no attacked; these disturbances broke out locally, in various places, and the Hs cd not be blamed for his, cos it happ'd on both