Writer Mod Date & Time PARTITION: Tape 47 255MODEM 255MODEM Mar 18 18:19 TAPE 47 Side A DADWAL village outside Jalandhar; used to be mainly Muslim, and had Muslim zamindars, and during partition trouble, lots of other local Muslims fled here; there is said to have been a big massacre of Ms by Jat Sikhs, and all the surviving Muslims left; the zamindars are now Sikhs from Pakistan (none are apparently of local origin); prosperous village, c 4,000, half popn Sikhs and half are harijans (who were here before partition) - the harijans having changd landlords at partition, but otherwise hadrly directly affected. The sarpanch who showed us round the village was a very prosperous and pleasant Sikh farmer with 72 acres (mainly wheat), two cars in his ample courtyard, a big satellite dish, and 26 family members in Canada (he had once applied for a visa but been refused). Sarpanch - Gurmeet Singh, His young son (clO) and younger daughter being educated at English-medium schools in Dalhousie. Village clearly segregated between Sikhs and harijans (no Ms living there and only one upper caste Hindu family). Once four masjids in village - none left. Biggest masjid still standing until a few years agom tho used as a gurdwara. new gurdwara now built on site. Saw a mound of earth which was the site of another masjid. Some old houses with small M-style bricks remain, but not many. Harijans relatively well off by standards of other parts of country - have small brick-built houses, no cordon between their basti and rest of village, not cowed, and women not badly dressed. 7 - (being shown round village by Gurmeet Singh in Punj: it's poss this was a M hse before partn cos it's built with small bricks ... 35 - (vox pop with elderly woman in Punj) if the Ms faced a tough time going from here, we faced a similar kind of trouble, we faced a lot of hardship, we left our houses back in Pak and came ... we had just built a new hse at Noorpur? just next to Lyallpur, we had to leave that hse and come away just like these poor Ms had to leave their hses from here and go away ... yes we think about the Mohammedans, who bought these poor people who built this hse with a lot of difficulty and a lot of love ... [name: Bhajan Kaur?, my questions useable] 104 - Asit while on tour: 'yes there was a mosque right here, and it's all been demolished, and all you can see is a poss of dirt ... there were four mosques in this village, a main mosque and three smaller mosques ... all gone . .. 122 - wildtrack of kids playing (restrained) 127 - vox pop with Dashan [?] - harijan, PUNJ: [here when Ms were the zamindars?] I was in the sam ville, and the vill was called Dadwal even then ... they were v good zamindars ... there was a lot of trouble in this vill, jathas from other vill's wd come here and they left ...