Prithiraj Singh NARANG - turbanned. Sikh from W Punjab (uncle of Neelu's mother), interviwed at his home in Chandigarh, 16 Mar 97 187 - brought up at Kamalpur ? and Rawalpindi 194 - [in Mar 47] 'riots took place and people became appr've of further dev'ts so people started shifting towards I' 200 - [Waugh ? camp] 'there was a refugee camp ... Waugh camp, 20, 25 miles from Kamalpur ... then we were brought in a train to L, then they moved the train to Firozpur' 210 - 'I had seen the camp life, there was small hutments were you ie down on the floor, they wd give you 2 chapattis ... dry chapattis for living ... ult we wer given a train ... t'out our journy, there was no provision of meals, no water, no sanitation, we were herded like animals ... and there we moved safely to Ferozepur camp from where we came to India' 221 - 'we were leading a peaceful life until the Pak ML ann'd that we are to form a Pak govt, then things were in a bad shape ... and people left all their belongings and moved towards Waugh camp' 236 - 'when we came from Kamalpur to Waugh camp, on the way the lorry was stopped at Huzro ... there the mob attacked ... with spears, Ms, but I just pushed my head this side, and I saved myself ... we reached the camp, and we were safe ... they wanted to put fear in our mind, a spear was thrown ... nobody was hurt; people ran hither and thither ... and when the lorry started, they again entered the lorry' 255 - 'the trouble was they wanted a M state only, their minds were poisoned ... they were living in peace, but they no longer wanted to live in peace with the other comm, they sd now you go to India; openly they sd now you go to India' 267 - then working in civil courts, and had opted for India 'so naturally I had to leave'; started 'looting, arson rape ... civilised life was thrown thro the window' 280 - 'Kamapur Ss were given a simple warning that you sd migrate; they were asked that you sd peacefully join in Waugh camp ... you cannot live in this co' 288 - entered I in Firozepur, then moved to Patiala; 'we were safe ... we saw tricolor ... we sd now we have come to the land of Nehru, and we are safe' to 305