PARTITION: Tape 42 (cont) Side B Writer 255MODEM Mod Date & Time 255MODEM Mar 15 09:38 Inder Kumar GUJRAL interviewed at his office in Parliament (Rm 27) in Delhi, 15 March 1997 Indian foreign minister; from a freedom fighter's family; ancestral home on the banks of the Jhelum; in Lahore and late Karchi in 47; partition very clearly moulded his approach to politics and diplomacy; quiet - often almost whisepring - and thoughtful, kindly, almost avancular; often mentions his younger brother, the artist Satish Gujral; 10 - both parents and self involved in freedom struggle; along with two friends present at Lahore session of ML where Pak resolution passed 24 - two part memories of Jinnah; in 1937, came canvassing at campus, thinly attendd mtg; then mtg when resolutin passed 38 - as boy of 11, present at Lahore session if Cong where freedom resoln passed, 'that is the first imprint on my mind' 48 - both parents often in jail; 'I was arrested for the first time as a v young boy in 31, for a couple of days and got thrashed by the police'; arrested in 42 and in jail for most of postgrad studies; involved in students m;ment - Pres of Lahore SU and gen sec of Punjab students fedn; CPI joined later 69 - settled in Karachi in 44, and was in home town in Jhelum when announced freedom was coming 76 - saw Lahore in flames in 47 83 - 'as part of the left movement this kind of danger of riots and migration never occurred to me at that time; leftists had deluded themselves into bel this cd be without these things'; faulty assessment; left leaders even joined ML - 'Danial Latifi is my contemporary' 98 - [you at on pt campg for Pak on orders of CPI?] 'yes, the silliest thing was that this line was being sold, that the right of self-deteminatoon for minorities does not mean Pak; that's they type of v foolish construction placed' 106 - 'when partn came ultimatly, we were in Kar ... we never thought we wd migrate, that is why my father chose to be a member of the Pak CA, and the first session of the CA was held in Kar, I attended the whole of it ... it was in that session that I heard J's speech that it is now a secular state' 120 - [on ind day] 'I saw the procession of J and M'batten together in that open car; the I ind we heard on the radio that night, and Nehru's tryst with destiny; the diff was that even when the first session of the CA was going on, the riots in Punjab had accelerated ... I remember Liaquat Ali Khan calling all the Cong jpbrs of the Ass, and discussing with them what cd be done to stop the riots' • 142 - 'events were moving so fast ... [exhileration] that the Br rule was over, yes; I was still present in Kar when Gandhi was murdered, and the impact was so much that