PARTITION: Tape 33 TAPE 33 Writer Mod Date & Time 255MODEM 255MODEM Jan 28 07:18 Side B Saroj PACHAURI - interviewed at her office in Delhi, 28 Jan 1997 - nee Puri; brought up in a Sikh family in Rawalpindi; fled in Aug-Sept 1947, then aged 10; father a prominent lawyer in 'pindi, mother a hospital doctor, and had a younegr brother; herself a doctor and regional director of the Population Council; married to a Hindu; went back to 'pindi c 5 years ago; Delhi house attacked in 84 anti-Sikh riots 5 - family background; mother a doctor, born and brought up in Quetta, in 'pindi in charge of civil hospital; father first a prof at Gordon College, then a lwayer and leading lawyer in Rawalpindi; v well off family, lived in campus of district hospital; 'I had a wonderful childhood' 54 - friends were friends regardless of religion - best friend a M girl - 'we participated in every function together, we ate together' 85 - serious riots in 'pindi in March 47; 'they were pretty serious actually ... a lot of lives were threatened and I became highly conscious of if cos a lot of our friends, H friends, who felt vuln in the city migrated to our house' for a few weeks; shops were closed, food not avail, ate a lot of canned food; 'our house was safe cos it was in the hosp campus' 106 - 'there was panic in the city, and one heard all kinds of stories ... but the month of March kind of receded in our memory, cos things improved after that' 122 - mother a Gandhian, wanted to go to India; father tho had 'decided that there was absolutely no reason to move, that this is our home, that there is where he'd built his practice ... nand he didn't see any reason to move, and there was a decision that we were going to stay in Pak' 132 - 'to show his loyalty ... publicly, on 15th [?] Aug 1947, he particvipated in all the events in R'pindi to celebrate Pak's ind, and he was the keynote speaker