PARTITION: Tape 13 Writer 255MODEM Mod Date & Time 255MODEM Jan 19 07:22 TAPE 13 Side A SHANTANU RAY - interviewed for a second time in Delhi by Anuradha Awasti on 5 July 1996 (to secure better technical quality) [NOTE: Jinnah did not address the Muslim League rally at the Ochterloney Monument in Calcutta] Tape 2 23 - 'it was all started when an inflammatory speech by Jinnah at the Ochterloney monument in Calcutta [???] and people went wild, renting the air with Allah-o-Akbar all over the place, and there was a real rampage ... people started burning buses, trams, burning bldgs and so on; I think the Hs did the same ... both sides were at it; and it was v sad for me to see this happening in Cal' 40 - 'it was only when Nehru came to Cal, Gandhi was fasting to death after the riots broke out at Noakhali in e Bengal and then in Cal, S was the CM of Bengal at that stage ... N went to my g/mother Basunti Devi, wife of Chittaranjan Das, and asked her to do something ... she did a broadcast on AIR ... which organised a van to come ... she made a v short statement where she appealed to people to stop fighting and sd in Ben we do not let a dog die in out house, will you let M Gandhi die in Ben; it had a trem effect, and people came to G and surrendered their arms, and things quietened down' 78 - saving grandather's Muslim cook, attacked in the house, 'he was liteerally shaking ... with my cousin we took this cook, put him in the boot of the Studebaker car, and dropped him in Free School Street' 95 - story of fellow student, 'a mob had surrounded the house and were trying to break in ... we went in, again put him in the boot of the car, the car verandal was inside so people cd not see us, ... and drove him to Free School St .. . '; later a Bangladeshi diplomat 12^ - recollections of people being saved 135 - 'during the night we used to keep vigil by turns in our area, and with the crty of Allah-o-Akbar coming in we were v worried and in fact scared; the Br army came in with the gurkhas ... and some [troublemakers] were shot' 144 - 'I did see killings myself; I saw children being thrown out of 2nd floor flats in the houses, and I've seen people being speared to death, I've seen people being killed, I've seen ms kill Hs, I've seen Hs kill Ms' 148 - 'in our area where we used to live, any stranger coming in was derobed, they wanted to find out whether he was a H or not; if he was not a H he was murdered on the spot' 153 - 'all these bodies that were killed, whetehr Hs or Ms, they were dumped on the main road, in fact the crossing of Russell Rd, and they were lying in a heap and our