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“...obedient. “ 1 may take another opportunity of giving you some particular instances of the great advantages of the religious instruction of the slaves, both to the masters and themselves; and shall only now apo- logize for .not having answered your letter in course, which I was prevented doing from unavoidable circumstances. I remain, My dear Sir, Very sincerely yours, To Jos. Butterworth, Esq. John Ross.’’ * Mr. Shrewsbury was for a considerable time a Missionary at Grenada before he went to Barbadoes ; and the character he sustained in that Island was given in a Letter from the Honourable John Ross, Esq. Member of Council in Grenada, to Joseph Butterworth, Esq., M. P. dated, “ Clarke’s Court Grenada, 13 Nov. 1818.” ’ In answer to some inquiries respecting the Wesleyan Missionaries Mr. Ross says,—“ I have never heard any thing insinuated of improper conduct in any respect, of any of the Missionaries who have been in this Island. The two now here have united their labours, and we have...”