Ayuntamiento contitucional de Mte Cristy

Material Information

Ayuntamiento contitucional de Mte Cristy titulo de arrendamiento otorgado á favor del Señor Hilton C. Quinlan
Series Title:
Methodist Missionary Society archives. Correspondence. Haiti/Santo Domingo (1834-1930)
Alternate Title:
Ayuntamiento contitucional de Monte Cristy
Translated Title:
Lease title granted in favor of Mr. Hilton C. Quinlan ( English )
[manuscript declaration]
Publication Date:


General Note:
Titulo de arrendamiento otorgado á favor del Señor Hilton C. Quinlan, por un solar de la comun á razon de un peso anual por el término de cinco años
General Note:
Con fecha "los diez y seis dias del mes de Diciembre de 1884, ano 41 de la Independencia y 22 de la Restauracion"
General Note:
Leasehold title granted in favor of Mr. Hilton C. Quinlan, for a lot of the community at the rate of an annual peso for a term of five years
General Note:
Dated "the sixteenth days of the month of December 1884, year 41 of the Independence and 22 of the Restoration"
General Note:
Bears the stamp of the municipality of Monte Cristy dated Dec. 1 1884

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Resource Identifier:
fiches 1963-2062 ( wmms reference )
MMS/03 boxes 205-207 ( physical reference only )