Photograph captioned 'Tennis Party at Commissioner's House, Hoihow, 11 October 1898'

Material Information

Photograph captioned 'Tennis Party at Commissioner's House, Hoihow, 11 October 1898'
Series Title:
Papers of Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland
Alternate Title:
Tennis party at Commissioners House, Hoihow, 11 October 1898
Nation-Dixon, M. L., Mrs.
Publication Date:
1 item


The photograph shows Dr and Mrs McCandliss; R.F.C. Hedgeland; Mrs Lowry; Dr J.H. Lowry; Mrs O'Brien-Butler; Otto T'ingch'ai; P.E. O'Brien-Butler; J.F. Schoenicke and servants. ( en )
General Note:
Dr. Henry M. McCandliss was an American Presbyterian, a medical missionary, stationed on the island of Hainan
General Note:
Pierre Essex O'Brien-Butler was acting British Consul in China during 1898 (cf, Nield, Robert. China’s Foreign Places: The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era, 1840–1943. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2015)
General Note:
J. F. Schoenicke was Commissioner at the British Customs House in Kiungchow during 1898
General Note:
史納機(J. F. Schoenicke),德國人,1869年進入中國海關,曾任瓊州海關頭等幫辦、朝鮮仁川稅務司、朝鮮海關代理總稅務司、廣州稅務司、上海郵政總局兼職郵政司等
General Note:
Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland was born in Exeter, Devon on December 18th 1874. He was educated at St Paul's School London and at Pembroke College, Oxford. After graduating in 1897 he joined the Chinese Maritime Customs Service in May 1898 and was posted to Kiungchang. He then went on to serve at Nanking, Tientsin, Lappa, Kowloon, Swatow and Nanning, of which latter port he was in charge for six years. He became Deputy Commissioner in 1917 and in April 1921 he was appointed Commissioner. On returning from leave in 1923 he was given charge of Aigun on the Amur river in Manchuria. He was subsequently in charge of Swatow and Canton, and retired in April 1930 while Commissioner at Hankow. He had a fluent command of Chinese, both of Mandarin and Cantonese and held the Order of the Chia Ho, 4th and 3rd Class, and 3rd Class with Brilliants; the 3rd Class of the Order of Wên Hu; and the Ordre Royal des Millions d'Élephants et du Parasol Blanc de Luang Prabang, France.
General Note: [name authority] : Hainan Sheng : URI
General Note:
Haikou was previously Romanised as Hoihow
General Note:
To order this photograph from physical storage, please reference: "PP MS 82 Box 3" and "PP MS 82/2/1/050"
General Note:
Donated by Mrs Nation Dixon in 2002; 2013

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
PP MS 82/2/1/050 ( SOAS Archives reference number )
He01-049 ( Historical Photographs of China identifier )