Nyishi women making rice beer

Material Information

Nyishi women making rice beer
Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( Photographer )
Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( contributor )
Haimendorf, Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist ( contributor )
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Photographic film: 35mm B&W negative, Eastman Kodak : Panatomic-X ( medium )


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This item is protected by copyright. Please use in accord with Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC). High resolution digital master available from SOAS, University of London - the Digital Library Project Office.
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General Note:
Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf (1909-1995) was born and educated in Vienna, gaining a PhD in anthropology from the University of Vienna in 1931. A grant from the Rockefeller Foundation enabled him to study at the London School of Economics, under the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski. In 1936, he went to the Naga Hills in northeast India for his first fieldwork; over the next four decades, he worked extensively in south & central India, northeast India and Nepal. In 1950 he was appointed Professor of Anthropology at SOAS, where he established the Department of Anthropology. During his career, he published seventeen books, most of them ethnographies of tribal cultures. He was President of the Royal Anthropological Institute (1975-77) and a pioneer in the field of visual anthropology.
General Note:
This scene was photographed between 19450114 and 19450115
General Note:
These Nyishi women are preparing rice beer to be served to Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf during his visit to the house of Likha Horku, in the Nyishi settlement of Likha Nyishi settlements are often named after the resident clan, : Nyishis, like other tribes in the Subansiri region, make several varieties of 'rice beer', most of which are in fact a combination of rice and millet : after being harvested, millet grains are separated from the stalks and dried in the sun : then they are boiled, during which a large amount of uncooked rice is added the proportion of millet to rice determines the variety and taste of the beer, and then the mixture is left to cool on bamboo mats : the mixture is returned to the pot, in which a little corn flour and yeast are added, and left to ferment for a few days : Finally, hot water is poured over the fermented mixture, straining it through a leaf and into a vessel : this is what the woman on the right is doing: pouring hot water from a pumpkin gourd onto the mixture in the leaf placed inside the bamboo basket sitting on the clay pot : the result is a mildly alcoholic drink, popular on both informal and ritual occasions, when it is also poured on ritual structures and animals.
General Note:
Haimendorf's reference: 183_12_Pad Putu-Likha (Jan 1945)
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Original Container: BW Negatives Box III
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BW Negatives Box III
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Funded in the United Kingdom by JISC
General Note:
SOAS name authority for "Haimendorf, Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist" is GB/NNAF/P146323.
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 : record number 109123273

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Holding Location:
Archives and Special Collections
Rights Management:
© 1945, The Estate of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf. The Estate is currently (2015) represented by Nicholas Haimendorf, son of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf. ----- Creative Commons (by-nc-nd). -- This image may be used in accord with Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.
Resource Identifier:
PP MS 19/6/NYI/0395 ( SOAS manuscript number )
183_12_Pad Putu-Likha (Jan 1945) ( Haimendorf reference )