Gamron [Bandar Abbas], een groot vlek in het Lantschap Kirman, nite verre van Ormus [Gamron, a large village in the Kerman district, not far from Hormuz] by Pieter Schenk published in Amsterdam (MCA/01/02/06/03)

Material Information

Gamron [Bandar Abbas], een groot vlek in het Lantschap Kirman, nite verre van Ormus [Gamron, a large village in the Kerman district, not far from Hormuz] by Pieter Schenk published in Amsterdam (MCA/01/02/06/03)
Series Title:
Dr Cyrus Ala'i's Map Collection of Persia
Added title page title:
Gamron, a large village in the Kerman district, not far from Hormuz
Added title page title:
Gamron, een groot vlek in het Lantschap Kirman, nite verre van Ormus
Schenk, Peter, 1660-1718 or 1719 ( Mapmaker )
Dr. Cyrus Ala'i
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
Hand coloured


Subjects / Keywords:
ایران -- آسیا
Maps -- Early works to 1800 ( lcsh )
نقشه ها -- کارهای اولیه، تا 1800
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Iran -- Hormozgan Province -- Bandar Abbas
27.183333 x 56.266667


General Note:
1 map
General Note:
A discussion of this map, reference number E538, can be found on page 281 of 'Special Maps of Persia 1477-1925' by Cyrus Ala'i (Brill, 2010)
General Note:
Part of the 'Dr Cyrus Ala'i's Map Collection of Persia : Special Maps of Persia from the Collection of Dr Cyrus Ala'i : Town maps, historical sites: maps and views of towns in Persia (SOAS Special Collections reference number: MCA/01/02/06)

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
314940539 ( OCLC )
MCA/01/02/06/03 ( SOAS Archives reference number )
MCA/S/72 ( Collector's reference )
P1. 268 ( Dr Cyrus Ala'i reference )
CA-197 ( Dr Cyrus Ala'i reference )
S-E.538 ( Dr Cyrus Ala'i reference )