Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle)  and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)

Material Information

Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle) and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)
Series Title:
Dr Cyrus Ala'i's Map Collection of Persia
Alternate Title:
Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar
Alternate Title:
Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene
Dr. Cyrus Ala'i
Place of Publication:
Reinier Ottens
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
top map 54x61 on sheet 64x65cm; lower map 46x59.5 on sheet 54x64.5cm in
Hand coloured


Subjects / Keywords:
ایران -- آسیا
Maps -- Early works to 1800 ( lcsh )
نقشه ها -- کارهای اولیه، تا 1800
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Iran
44.15585 x 49.171253 ( North Caspian Sea )
46.982885 x 45.675425, 46.982885 x 55.028707, 40.291929 x 55.028707, 40.291929 x 45.675425 ( North Caspian Sea )


General Note:
1 map
General Note:
A discussion of this map, reference number E233, can be found on page 128-130 of 'Special Maps of Persia 1477-1925' by Cyrus Ala'i (Brill, 2010)
General Note:
Part of the 'Dr Cyrus Ala'i's Map Collection of Persia : Special Maps of Persia from the Collection of Dr Cyrus Ala'i : Maps of the Caspian Sea and its Persian shores (SOAS Special Collections reference number: MCA/01/02/03)
General Note:
Map on two sheets

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MCA/01/02/03/04 ( soas archives reference number )
MCA/S/44 ( collector's reference )
P1. 125 ( dr cyrus ala'i reference )
CA-186 ( dr cyrus ala'i reference )
S-E.233 ( dr cyrus ala'i reference )