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“...physical necessity. 25.—Liste des Oiseaux de Madagascar {Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1867-1868). This Notice contains an enumeration of the Birds which I have observed in Madagascar from 1865 to 1867, about 150 species, of which 94 are peculiar to this island. 26.—Oiseaux nouveaux dkouveits d Madagascar en 1866 (Rev. et Mag. de Zool., mars 1867). I have in this Notice given the diagnoses of five new species of Birds, four of which belong to the genus Coua, a genus exclusively Malagasy, which already contains eight species. All these species of Coua have a very distinctly defined habitat. This is an interesting fact in zoological geography. 27.—Description d'un nouvel Oiseau decouvert a Madagascar en 1866 (Rev. et Mag. de Zool., f6v. 1870). This new species of Bird, Bernieria (Mystacornis) Crossleyi, belongs to the very curious family of the Eupe- tidas and possesses very special interest. 28.—Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux. (In co-operation with M. Alph. Milne-Edwards.) 1 vol. of text and...”