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“...born was much addicted to the game of fanorona* (a native game resembling 'fox and geese'), and when his father's messenger came he was deeply engrossed in the problem of how to 'cancel three with five,' and was in no hurry to go and see his dying father; while the younger brother, on the other hand, made all haste to his bedside. The father meanwhile, having consulted the diviners, had determined that he who first arrived should succeed him in the throne ; so he had, though reluctantly, to nominate the younger son as his successor. But in consequence of this it was decreed that henceforth the reigning sovereign should always choose his first wife from among the descendants of Andriantompokoindrindra; and it appears that until quite recently this practice was still kept up. Many of the Andriana of this class live at the town of Amb6himaliza, some six miles to the east of the Capital, and are still remarkable for their skill in the game of fanorona. (4, 5, and 6) The remaining divisions...”