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much improvement, although Hong-Kong still supplies the finer
grades. The total import of sugar and sugar candy was considerably
larger than in 1911.
Matches.—The increase in this article was due to the larger imports
from Japan.
Paper.—Paper, formerly a native product, is now mostly imported
from Germany. However, the quality even of the imported article
does not compare favourably with British made paper, and there would
accordingly seem to be an opening for good grades from British mills.
Wood.—The number of new buildings erected in the course of
the year would seem to account for the increase in imported timber ;
2,369,278 square feet of wood were, for the first time, imported from
Antung, and the quality of this is said to compare very favourably
with that from America.
Exports.—Although, in some cases, the disturbances caused by the
revolution limited the area in which purchases of native produce
could be made, they had the effect, in others, of deflecting many
goods to this...”