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“...commerce are mats, fans, umbrellas, paper, medicines, alum and bean curd. Exports.—The total value of these exports, all to Chinese ports, was 1,360,5372., which showed a very great increase. The political situation had, without doubt, a great deal to do with the willingness of the Ningpo merchant to sell his wares or to send them to a place of comparative security, i.e., Shanghai. The articles requiring particular comment are :— Cotton.—The cotton crop may be called excellent. Local cotton mills consume a portion, and much of the raw product finds its way to Taichow and Fukien. • Tea.—With regard to the past year, the production of local tea was practically up to record figures, and the export figures showed that the Pingsuey tea was still in great demand abroad, and would have been more freely sold but for the sudden rise in exchange, which affected the export seriously towards the end of 1912. Straw braid.—During 1912 the revival of the popularity of this article, which had shown...”