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“...Butterfleld and Swire have had a coal yard at Wuhu for the use of their own ships, which has rendered unnecessary putting into Shanghai on the voyages from river to coast ports and vice versd. A Chinese firm has a coal yard in the foreign settlement on land rented from the Hamburg-Amerika Company. It sells coal from the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company's mines at Ching wang tao and also Japanese coal. Its chief customers are the Wuhu Electric Light Works, steam launches and rice-cleaning mills. Matches.—Matches from Japan show a large increase. Kerosene oil.—The agents of the Standard Oil and the Asiatic Petroleum Companies have been good enough to give me the following explanation of the imports for the last three years :— American.—The import for 1910 was about normal; 1911 was heavy because of cargoes sent back from Hankow at the beginning of the revolution ; 1912 was correspondingly less because of heavy stocks carried over from 1911. Borneo and Sumatra.—Imported by the Asiatic...”