1 |
“...to 123,783 cwts. Owing to
fluctuations in exchange, however, the trade in the foreign article has
not been altogether profitable to importers.
Sugar.—The import of foreign sugar of all kinds, with the ex-
ception of the refined, approximated more nearly to the level of 1910,
the total increase over the 1911 import being 24,000 cwts. The
import of native brown and white varieties, on the other hand,
decreased by some 46,000 cwts.
Cocoons.—The manufacture of silk from cocoons imported from
Manchuria is one of the principal industries of Chefoo. The quantity
of cocoons imported during 1912 amounted to 286,931 cwts. as
against 290,450 cwts. in 1911. The cocoons were damaged by early
frosts. Prices ranged from 0-80 to l-05 taels per 1,000 for good
cocoons and from 0'50 to O'SO taels per 1,000 for damaged ones,
the latter being used for the making of waste silk. The quality of
the autumn cocoons were not so good as that of the spring ones, the
length of fibre drawn from each cocoon averaging...”
2 |
is evidently steadily declining, a state of affairs due to the successful
competition of other ports in North China and Manchuria, where the
possibilities of commerce are more carefully nursed and where the
native officials and merchants do not suffer from the incurable apathy
which seems to afflict the inhabitant of this district.
Cattle.—-This is another declining export; 10 years ago 18,000
head were exported as against 362 head during 1912.
Vermicelli.—This item, though still showing a decrease, may be
considered fairly satisfactory.
Pongees.—The revolution affected this business unfavourably,
especially in the western districts, and the difficulty of sending goods
across country owing to the disturbed state of the province has
resulted in a partial transfer of the business to Tsingtau. The finer
qualities of silk, however, are all manufactured in the districts
contiguous to Chefoo, and it will be difficult to deprive the port of the
trade in the best pongees. The average...”
3 |
“...ovina. Trade,
&c., 1912 .........
5069 Dalmatia. Trade, 4c„ 1912...
5056 Antwerp. Shipping and
navigation, 1912 ......
4888 Bolivia. Trade, 1911......
4900 Sao Paulo. Trarle, 1911
4918 Pernambuco. Trade, 19U
5019 liio dc Janeiro. Trade, 1911-12 5id
4817 Bulgaria. Trade, 1910 ... -1?rl
5007 Valparaiso. Trade, 1910-11 ...
5053 Coquimbo. Trade, 1912
4967 Chefoo. Trade, 1911......
4973 IViihn. Trade, 1911 ......
4979 China. Trade, 1911 ......
5002 Canton. Trade, 1911......
5035 North Manchuria and Harbin.
Commercial Conditions and
Trade,1911 ......
5050 Sliasi. Trade, 1912 ...
5051 Swatow. Trade, 1912...
5058 Ichang. Trade, 1912 ...
5059 Pakhoi. Trade, 1912 ...
5061 Kiungchow. Trade, 1912
5062 Kiukiang. Trade, 1912
. 4904 Antioquia. Trade, 1911
5025 Santa Martu. Trade, 1911
. 5013 Congo. Trade, 4c., 1911
. 4899 Corea. Trade, 1911 ...
. 4919 Costa Rica. Trade, 4c., 1911
. 4983 Crete. Trade, 4c., 1911
. 4905 Cuba. Trade, Ac., ended June
30, 1911..........
. 5031 Denmark. Trade...”