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“...countries was
only 89,880£., so that the advantage enjoyed by Japan is apparent.
The trade in woollen tissues is naturally small in the hot climate
of Formosa, but while the small foreign imports declined from the
previous year, those from Japan remained stationary. In
woollen cloths and serges the import from Germany (6,2501.)
showed an increase at the expense of the British articles, which
declined to 960?.
Oil cake.—Practically all the fertiliser imported is bean oil cake
from China and Manchuria. The 1913 figures showed a considerable
decline on those of the previous year, due to stocks in hand at the
end of 1912....”
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“...depression of 1913.
Sugar.—Although not the largest export during the year under
review, sugar nevertheless exercised the greatest influence on the
position o£ the trade of Formosa, and its exceptional decline was the
outstanding feature of the depression of 1913. The year 1912 had
itself shown a disappointing decrease, but in 1913 the export declined •
still further, the production falling below that of 1909. Not only did
the export to Japan largely decrease, but, apart from a nominal
amount to Manchuria, the small trade to foreign countries (175,520?.
in 1912) disappeared entirely in 1913....”