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“...reasons :—(1) The erection of a flour mill at Dairi, near Moji, operated by a powerful Japanese company; (2) increased duties ; and (3) lack of tonnage from the Pacific coast. Many vessels filled up completely with cargoes for Hong-Kong and Manila, which paid higher rates of freight, and Japan had to be content with what was left over in the way of room. Future prospects are good. Japanese flour is not considered satisfactory in quality or colour, nor can the local demand be supplied by Japanese mills. Consequently there is a brisk market for imme- diate shipments from Australia and the Pacific coast. Wheat.—Wheat imports more than trebled the figures for 1911 ; the advance was due to the establishment of the Dairi mill. Pig iron.—The increased capacity of the furnaces at the Imperial Government steel works at Wakamatsu is responsible for a 70 per cent, increase in the imports of pig iron. Small quantities are now being imported from British India. A certain amount finds its way to Saga and...”