1 |
“..... 3,380,052 | 2,000,000
Shan.si 3,056,407 2,GOO,Odd
ITonan 3.250.263 2.316.0!!!)
lCi:iiii;su 3,277,971 1,468,(JO!)
Anhwpi 1,055,454 ],C'4-i;,!)i:o
Kiangsi 2,0(>7.<:t5 1,118,001)
l''ukie;i ] ,2.18^00 1,01(1,001)
Chelrinng .. 2,794.341 > 1,100,001)
Unpen 1,124,700 950,00!)
Hunan 1,102.736 t,150.00!)
Shensi .. 1,627,51M 1,550,(100
lvaiir-u 2SI 10 ! 205.COO
.Szc-chucn 668,482 2,390,000
Kwangtung ] ,279.903 1,600,0(0-
K wang^i 393,70:-! 500,000
Yunnan 210,531 300.000
lv eicliow 31,581 125,000-
Manchuria.. .. 221,771 5GO.OOO-
Total...... 30,762,007 25,088.000...”
2 |
“...form of legislation known to China. Its expediency is
quite another matter; in form and incidence it is as objectionable
as it is possible for a tax to be, but that is not our present
The likin in its present form first began to make its appearance Origin of this
about the year 1853, but it was not till 1860-61 when thetax-
measures put forth to suppress the rebellion necessitated a large
expenditure, that it was made universal. The falling-off of the
Provinces. Amount.
Manchuria (reported) 375,000
Cliihli, duty and likin (estimated) 600,000
Shantung, duty and likin (estimated) 400,000
Shansi, duty and likin (estimated 430,000
Sliensi, liliin (reported) 332,000
Honan, likin (estimated) 400,000
Chekiang, duty and likin 900,000
Fukien, duty and likin (reported) .. 600,000
JCwangtung, duty and likin (estimate!.!) ' 750,000
Kivangsi (estimated).. 300,000
Yunnan (reported) .. .. 320,000
Total ........ 5,427,000 Total salt
Add Central Provinces as above 8,232,000...”
3 |
the Imperial Household draw from the provinces the sum ot
19,478,000 taels, which I described as the normal working-
revenue of the Peking Government. Besides that sum, how- tist of sumi
ever, the provinces are drawn upon for large contributions for the cl''awn fr.om
n r the province*
following Imperial purposes: _ _ foi. imperial
1. The new Board of Admiralty (Peiyang squadron). purposes.
2. Construction and maintenance of Tientsin Railway.
0. Defence of the North-east Frontier, Manchuria.
4. Supplies for Kansuh and Central Asian dominions.
5. Aids to Kweichow and Yunnan for military purposes,
To take these in order:
1. The Hai cliun yamen or Board of Admiralty is a recent Board of
creation, controlled principally by the Viceroy of Chihli in his
capacity of superintendent of northern trade. Since the annihi-
lation of the northern fleet in the Japanese war it has been in
abeyance, but before the war it was the central pivot of northern
defence, and its expenses constituted...”
4 |
annum if each province responded. So far as the printed 'reports
show 10 at least of the provinces responded and continue to
respond. The money is remitted to the superintendent of trade
at Tientsin, and presumably it is the fund from which the line
between Tientsin and the capital is being built, as well as the
projected extension into Manchuria. If properly devoted to
railway construction ir, ought to allow of work being pushed on
at the rate of about 30 to 40 miles a year.
3. The next item of expenditure which I mentioned is the
defence of the north-eastern frontier, meaning the military
establishment in the three Manchurian provinces. Manchuria
itself is, like several other of the outlying portions of the Empire,
not self-supporting. The provinces and customs are requisitioned
for the following sums:
From Amount.
I'rovinras (from land tax, likin, and
full) .......... 1,-1:28,000
Customs (from 0*6 fund)............410,000
Total ...... 1,848,000
Central Asian 4. Military...”